The Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan establishes goals for the community and guides future decisions and actions that impact how land is utilized.

Stage 1: Existing Conditions Analysis

Existing plans, demographic data, city ordinances, and various resources will be reviewed to compile a community profile from which we will build the Comprehensive Plan.

Stage 2: Plan Development

Community engagement and the community profile developed in the first stage of the project will shape the Comprehensive Plan. This document will serve as a roadmap for the community, guiding future development and helping to determine decisions that will create Waverly's ongoing resilience and success. The Comprehensive Plan will focus on the following elements:

  • Land Use and Development
  • Housing and Neighborhoods
  • Economic Development
  • Environment
  • Transportation
  • Historic Preservation
  • Accessible Government
  • Arts and Culture
  • Transformative Projects
  • Plan Implementation


The Park and Open Space Plan

A park and open space plan provides a systematic approach for communities to preserve parks, recreation areas, and undeveloped lands.

Stage 1: Outline, Mission, Goals, and Objectives

Community stakeholders will help identify the needs, goals, and desired outcomes by analyzing the existing park infrastructure.

Stage 2: Update Parks Standards and Inventory

The parks analysis from Stage 1, along with current data, will be utilized to create an inventory or current facilities and their existing conditions.

Stage 3: Park Needs Assessment and Public Engagement

Parks are for public use, and we want to know what you want in your parks system! While specialists analyze the current conditions and compare them to national standards, we'll ask for community members to provide your input on what the Park and Open Space Plan should include.

Stage 4: Preliminary Recommendations

The recommendations list will include proposed improvements for the overall system and for each individual park.

Stage 5: Draft Plan

The draft plan will be available for residents, City Council, and community stakeholders to review.

Stage 6: Review and Adoption

Feedback from Stage 5 will be analyzed, edits will be made, and the final Park and Open Space Plan will be presented to City Council for adoption.


Bike and Pedestrian Trail Plan

Bike and pedestrian trail plans establish a framework to increase connectivity for non-auto mobility throughout a community.

Stage 1: Project Management and Coordination

The first stage of the bike and pedestrian trail plan is to create a framework for the collaborative nature of this project. This phase will involve organizing data sets and verifying the project schedule.

Stage 2: Existing Conditions Review

This stage of the project will utilize existing bicycle and pedestrian plans to analyze the current state of walking and bicycle conditions throughout Waverly. We will also map current conditions that have not been documented to begin updating the plan resources.

Stage 3: Identify Gaps, Barriers, and Destinations

The information compiled in Stage 2 will be analyzed to identify barriers and gaps in the walking and biking network, as well as key destinations in Waverly to prioritize in the plan. This stage will rely heavily on community input that will be offerred both in-person and online. Check in on the Planning Process Engagement Portal or sign up to receive notifications about events to learn about community engagement opportunities.

Stage 4: Project, Policy, and Program Recommendations.

One of the most significant outcomes of the Bike and Pedestrian Trail Plan is to identify and prioritize projects, programs, and policies that will help create a safer, more connected network for walking and bicycling in Waverly.

Stage 5: Implementation and Funding

An important element of the Bike and Pedestrian Trail Plan is the implementation plan. This will identify potential funding opportunities for projects, prioritize the urgency of projects, and determine prospective partners for each project.

Stage 6: Draft and Final Plan

The Bike and Pedestrian Trail Plan will provide Waverly with recommendations for bicycle and walking networks, support programs, funding opportunities, and an implementation strategy. The plan will guide the City of Waverly in improving bicycle and walking conditions for both transportation and recreation purposes.


Waverly Community Planning

General Project Schedule

Stage 1: Community Engagement


Planning is highly dependent on community engagement. The Comprehensive Plan, Park and Open Space Plan, and Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan are being developed to serve the community of Waverly. So we'll start by asking you: "What does the community want?" You can find on


Stage 2: Discussing Key Directions

Once we have your input, we'll use it to develop a vision and goals for the community. Community leaders and stakeholders will work together to determine strategies for achieving the goals that will shape the community.


Stage 3: Drafting the Plans

The community vision, goals, and strategies will come together with a community profile and actions for implementation to form the draft plans. During this phase we'll host another Community Workshop and Pop-Up Meeting to provide citizens with the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft plans.


Stage 4: Final Plan Review, Discussion, and Adoption

Community input will be reviewed to edit the draft plan and create the final Comprehensive Plan. The plan will then be presented to City Council for review and adoption.